100-year-old vineyard, Osaka Wine

The late 19th century
Risaburo Takai, the great-grandfather of the current president Toshihiro Takai, exploited the south slope of Kawachi-Katashimo village that offered superb conditions for grape farming. This eventually started the Golden Age of Osaka grape cultivation.

Kashiwara grapevine trellis from the 1910s.

Kashiwara grapevine trellis from the 1910’s.

The vineyard was extended to 8ha.

Sakujiro Takai produced successfully wine for the first time while operating the vineyard in 1914. “Katashimo Wine Brewery” was established in May of the same year, which eventually became Katashimo Winery.

Crusher 1912-1926
Squeezer 1912-1926

Production tools used in the old days.

Started to supply wine after many years of research and development.

One of the main clients in Tokyo, whose warehouses and stock were devastated by the Great Kanto Earthquake went bankrupt. To survive as a company we had to sell the factory and move from the original place near JR Kashiwara station to Taiheiji and for that purchased a new factory site from Tenrikyo.

65% of the vineyards were destroyed by the Muroto typhoon.

Kinichiro Sakaguchi discovered Japan’s first wine yeast, OC2 (later to become Wine Makers Association yeast No. 1 for grape wine) at the current Katashimo Winery.

Japanese Army controlled the factory as the country was in urgent need of Rochelle salt which was a key material for making sonars during the Second World War.

Toshikazu Takai, the son of Sakujiro Takai, went to Manchuria, China in World War II and returned home safely despite a serious illness.

Osaka Wineries decreased from 119 to only 4 wineries due to the impact of the Second World War.

Founder Sakujiro Takai was awarded the Order of Merit with Green and White Ribbon for his contribution to agricultural improvement.

Sakujiro Takai was awarded the Medal with Yellow Ribbon for his contribution to the improvement of grape varieties, the introduction and spread of new technology, and the rationalization of winemaking and management of grape wine.

Sakujiro Takai was also awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Twin Lights, 5th class, for his longtime contribution to the local community and diligence in business.

Katashimo Wine Foods Co. Ltd. was established.

Shochiku playwright Yukio Doi visited our winery and wrote the script for “Kawachi wine.”

A grape squeezer from France was imported.

“Kawachi Wine” was played at Shochiku Nakaza starring Shingo Yamashiro, Ohama Unabara, and Kacho Tsukitei. The production and selling of “Kawachi Wine” began. 

Cultivation of European grape varieties began.

Launched “Kashiwara Wine” on the 30th anniversary of the Kashiwara’s municipal system.

Decreased use of pesticides on our farms.

Installed a new single-type distiller and became the first Japanese company to make “Japanese grappa.”

Worked strongly on our organic fertilizer cultivation (with low pesticide and organic mulches).

Japanese grappa “Budouka” was awarded the bronze prize of the Monde Selection.

Japanese grappa “Budouka” was awarded the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Prize.
“Kawachi Wine – Campbell” was awarded the Encouragement Prize of the Japan Wine Competition.

“Kawachi Wine – Muscat Bailey A“, “Kawachi Wine – Katashimo Koshu Grapes”, and “Ice Wine – Delaware” were all certified as “E-mark* foods and beverages” by the Osaka prefecture government. *E-mark (quality products made in Osaka)
Certified as the “Supporting Business Innovation of Small and Medium Enterprises”.
Our wine cellar was appointed as a registered tangible cultural property.

Wine cellar interior

Wine cellar entrance door

Tangible Cultural Property Registration Plate

Grapes from our vineyards were approved as Osaka eco agricultural products.

“Katashimo Koshu 2006” was awarded the bronze medal of the 10th Japan Wine Challenge.

“Delaware Sparkling Wine” was awarded the bronze medal of the 11th Japan Wine Challenge and was also awarded the Encouragement Prize of the Japan Wine Competition.

Certified as “Support for the development of products that use regional resources.”

“Katashimo no Hiyashi-ame” was certified as OSAKAMON.
“Goumeiyama Katashimo Koshu Grapes”, “Miyanoshita  Sparkling Delaware”, and “Osaka-made Ice Wine Delaware” were all certified as “E-mark foods and beverages”.
35 collections of old wine-making tools in storage were designated as “Kashiwara’s Important Tangible Folk Cultural Properties”.

Awarded a special prize in the “OSAKAMON Five Stars Award” category.

We were awarded the grand prize of the “OSAKAMON Five Stars Award” for our efforts in “Carrying on the traditions of over 100 years’ in our vineyard and encouraging these traditions to continue for the next 100 years.” Our activities have directly involved and benefited many local businesses: local residents, farmers, customers, liquor shop owners, restaurants, and hairdressers who have been united in their efforts and support for us.
Awarded “The 4th Higashin Business Award” hosted by Osaka Higashi Shinkin Bank and Higashin Research Institute Co. Ltd.

Appointed as certified farmers by Japan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
・Our products were certified as “The Safety and Security of Osaka Foods”.
・OSAKA WINERIES ASSOCIATION was established. Toshihiro Takai became the first chairman.
・Acquired the certification of “Integrated Business Plans” by the Japan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries.
・Awarded “Excellent SMEs (Small-and-Medium-sized Enterprises) and Micro Enterprises Selection 300”.(Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)

Received support from Osaka Prefecture for 6th industrialization network activities.

Our products were certified as “The Safety and Security of Osaka Foods”.
Awarded by the general manager of the Department of Food Safety, Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

Awarded “Osaka Governor’s Award”.
KANSAI WINERIES ASSOCIATION was established. Toshihiro Takai became the first chairman.
Katashimo Wine Foods Co., Ltd. was awarded the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Prize for the National Agricultural Competition.
Toshihiro Takai was appointed as a judge of the contest Osaka: Food Capital Grand Prize.
Katashimo Wine Foods Co., Ltd. was awarded the Minister Award of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery for the primary producers’ diversification into processing and distribution.

Awarded “Osaka Governor’s Prize” of Osaka Food Safety Award System.
“Goumei-yama Kita-batake Delaware Sparkling Wine 2015” was awarded the bronze medal of the Japan Wine Competition 2017.

“King Selby RI-KA-EN 2016” was awarded the gold medal of the China Wine & Spirits Awards.
“King Selby RI-KA-EN Katashimo-Honbudou” was awarded the silver medal at the Feminalise World Wine Competition.
Katashimo Wine Foods Co., Ltd. was awarded the Minister Award of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery for the commendation for excellent activities such as local production of local consumption.

Katashimo Winery’s Museum Cafe&Bar OPEN.
7 wines were served for the G20 Osaka Summit 2019.
“Tako-cham” was awarded the Bronze medal of the JAPAN WINE CHALLENGE 2019.

“Kashiwara Wine Red” was awarded the GOLD medal and “TOP OF THE BEST”(Japanese Wine) at the 14th Feminalise World Wine Competition 2020.
“Taiko Dream Dew Wine” was awarded the Bronze medal of the JAPAN WINE CHALLENGE 2020.
“RI-KA-EN Red Muscat Bailey A” was awarded the Platinum medal of the LONDON SAKE CHALLENGE 2020.
“K.S. Campbell Early Sparkling Wine” was awarded the Silver medal of the LONDON SAKE CHALLENGE 2020.
“K.S. Miyanoshita Sparkling Delaware” was awarded the Bronze medal at the Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition 2020.
Toshihiro Takai won the Paper Award for “Wine Tourism for the Conservation of Next-Generation Agricultural Resources 2020″ at the American Society for Enology and Viticulture Japan Chapter (ASEV JAPAN).”

“Katashimo Honbudou Goumeiyama South East Vinyard” was awarded the DOUBLE GOLD medal, and “K.S. Chardonnay” was awarded the SILVER medal, of the SAKURA Japan Women’s Wine Awards 2021.
“Katashimo Honbudou Goumeiyama South East Vinyard”, and” K.S.Chardonnay” were awarded the GOLD medal at the 15th Feminalise World Wine Competition 2021.
“Japanese Brandy Budouka 35%” was awarded the GOLD medal of the SAN FRANCISCO WORLD SPIRITS COMPETITION 2021.
“Japanese Brandy Budouka 35%” and “Goumeiyama Chardonnay 2020” won Bronze Awards at the Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Competition 2021.
Non-alcohol wine “Kahi” won the Bronze Award at the Japan Wine Challenge 2021.
Representative Toshihiro Takai received the Order of the Rising Sun, Silver Rays in the fall of 2021.

“Katashimo Honbudou Goumeiyama South East Vinyard” was awarded the GOLD medal, and “K.S. Chardonnay” was awarded the GOLD medal, of the SAKURA Japan Women’s Wine Awards 2022.
”K.S. Chardonnay” was awarded the GOLD medal of the 15th Feminalise World Wine Competition 2022.
”Houkichi Sparkling” was awarded the BRONZE medal of the JAPAN WINE CHALLENGE 2022.
“Japanese Sparkling Wine Miyano-shita 2019” won Silver Awards at the Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Competition 2022.

“K.S.Osaka Delaware” was awarded the SILVER medal of the 16th Feminalise World Wine Competition 2023.
“100 Years Continous! Sparkling wine” was awarded the ENCOURAGEMENT award of the Japan Wine Competition 2023.
“Ri-Ka-EN Katashimo Hon-Budou” was awarded the GOLD medal of the Berliner Wine Trophy 2023.
“Japanese Sparkling Goumei-yama” was awarded the BRONZE medal, and “Katashimo Honbudou Goumeiyama South East Vinyard” was awarded the BRONZE medal, of the Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Competition  2023.
”Japanese Sparkling Goumei-yama” was awarded the SILVER medal of the JAPAN WINE CHALLENGE 2023.

“Taiko Dream Dew Wine White” was served  at the davos meeting 2024.
“Japanese brandy BUOUKA 35” was awarded the GOLD medal of the VINALIES INTERNATIONALS 2024.
“Ri-Ka-EN Katashimo Hon-Budou” was awarded the GOLD medal, of the SAKURA Japan Women’s Wine Awards 2024.
“Ri-Ka-EN Katashimo Hon-Budou” was awarded the GOLD medal, and “K.S. Chardonnay” was awarded the GOLD medal, of the Feminalise World Wine Competition 2024.
”Tako-Cham” was awarded the SILVER medal of the JAPAN WINE CHALLENGE 2024.
“100 Years Continous! Sparkling wine” was awarded the SILVER medal, and “Tako-Cham” was awarded the GSILVER medal, of the Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Competition 2024.
”Tako-Cham” won the EXCELLENCE award of the JAPAN NAMING AWARD 2024.